Invite main DBHD Engineer
and Architect V. Goebel
to your international location
Architectural planning service
Engineering planning service
Its a world price - for DE clients
take 30 % off - i am in Germany
Get answers to your questions
lets work together for a week ...
Nuclear DBHD Repository HLW
Geological Disposal Facility
If we do not want to do business
with you - we send money back !
As soon as your money is on the
account Geobel can drive, fly to your
company - give Conference Room
Der Preis bezieht sich auf weltweit.
und enthält Flugtickets, Mietwagen,
Taxis und die Hotel-Kosten.
Price contains 45 % income tax
Price contains 19 % MwSt. / VAT
Foreign countries pay no VAT DE
Swiss Bank Account still valid
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