Build as many DBHD as needed (20 x) in
your country - Buy via DOE or Gov. Adm.
US salt in the south near Gulf of America
US salt in south Texas near Austin
>>> Make Amerika safe again - MASA
Price includes :
DBHD 2.0.1 in rocksalt License
with gas-tight closure method
big size drill tech consultancy
full support as long as VG lives
Get US Passport ready therefore
Price excludes :
Best Geologies license / but we have
folders full of very suitable US Geo-
logies in Detail - Yucca was nothing.
We had a laugh at your Yucca Idea !
With DMT 3D Trucks you can measure
geology and locate rocksalt precisely
Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama
We also have the CA and DE geology
data IN STOCK / the best geologies
Don´t wait for the Germans to
buy first - did you ever hear
about "German Angst" ?
US Country licenses gives 50 % off
!!! NO further price reductions !!!
Price contains 43 % income tax
Best regards from Germany
Volker Goebel - Dipl.-Ing. 59 y.
GDF Planner (for 13 yrs now)
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