

5 % DBHD Copy Right Buy / 5 % DBHD Urheber-Rechts Anteile - notariell bestätigungsfähig

Price incl. VAT (19%) €4.750.000,00
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Product Details

DBHD Urheber-Rechte können notariell bestätigt werden

DBHD Copy-Rights purchase can be confirmed by a notary

You become 5 % DBHD owner / partner with this purchase !

The day and minute your money reaches our account counts

Who comes first is first served. - Only 45 % are for Sale ...

If you are too late- money is send back within 7 days ...

Nuclear Geologicall Repositories + Electrolysis Shafts

DBHD is a Shaft Company - we got four shaft methods

Since 2021 also plans for tunnels - and Maglev-Tracks

After order in shop you get order confirmation and invoice

by Email - minutes later - business is complete when pay-

ment reaches bank account. - Best regards from Ing. Goebel

Price contains 43 % income tax

Price containts 19 % MWSt.

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5 % DBHD Copy Right Buy / 5 % DBHD Urheber-Rechts Anteile - notariell bestätigungsfähig
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